Thursday, October 29, 2009

Husband is an ATM machine - by law in India

I wrote about loose-ended divorce laws in India (Divorce laws poles apart), causing only more distress to both men and women, in the name of solving societal problems. Just read some news that husbands took to the streets about paying 50% of their pay as alimony - felt sad that the saga continues even as years roll by. It is not so much about 50%, but the fact that it is open-ended (no time line) and discriminatory (husband pays 50% even if the wife is working). The news article also indicates suicides among distressed husbands is more than distressed wives. Unfortunately, the law makers are not there yet to make sensible changes, or demonstrate fairness as opposed to revenge, or pay attention to detail when writing laws or providing guidelines. It also doesn't appear that the society gives a damn, since the affected are still a minority (even if few hundred thousands among a billion people). They say, nature doesn't ensure evolution doesn't go the wrong way - it is up to the species to make choices about it's own future. It will be a long while before something sensible happens with Indian divorce, dowry or domestic violence laws - until then, best for a man or woman is to stay of trouble, and second best is to pray for those in trouble!

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